Join us for Ficep’s virtual Open House – take 90 mins. on Nov. 17th or 19th to see new developments in the FICEP product range of CNC lines, including a live demo of the newly enhanced tandem system with GEMINI and KRONOS plate processors!

Join us for Ficep’s virtual Open House – take 90 mins. on Nov. 17th or 19th to see new developments in the FICEP product range of CNC lines, including a live demo of the newly enhanced tandem system with GEMINI and KRONOS plate processors!
Friday, October 2nd: Happy Manufacturing Day to All!
In the spirit of “working with what we’ve got”, let’s celebrate our industry virtually with a factory tour from an FMA customer, some at-home activities from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and an exciting inside look at building robots.
Problems getting the right blank size on your press brake?
Trouble determining bend allowances or bend deductions?
JOIN US! Friday, 03/27/20 at 11:30 AM EST
Whether you are a current SafanDarley user or not, AutoPOL will revolutionize your bending process. Join us for a free learning opportunity from the experts at SafanDarley:
— Watch a live demo on the software
— See how you can move from 3D design to production in a few steps
— Check out the software’s production recap reporting capability
— Ask questions about functionality
What is AutoPol?
3D-offline programming software that dramatically reduces programming costs. Smart bending with the innovative AutoPOL 3D-offline programming software guarantees complete and reliable process control. The additional Batch & Remote functionality enables automatic processing of multiple parts. All tasks are performed without user input, results are reported back and production data created.
Check out the brochure: AutoPOL_Software_EN
How do I join?
Friday 3/27/20, around 11:20am, follow this link:
You will be asked to type in the meeting ID: m503-273-71
Make sure the sound on your computer is turned on. You will not need a phone line to join the demo.
This month marks the 30th anniversary for Euromac. For the past 30 years Euromac has been dedicated to delivering quality machinery to streamline fabrication, and move all production in house. Click on the link below to watch a video celebrating the last 30 years! Our question to you, how would a Euromac improve your processes? Strive to be better, we can get you there.
For more information on Euromac please contact your local Fox Sales Engineer today, you can also click on the following link to Euromac’s website.